The synopsis of World Children's Day logo

The impression of human hands dot the earliest of inhabited caves. The history of art and civilisation, all of it, begins with this simple gesture, immediate and primordial.

In the infancy of humanity, our ancestors longed to leave a sign as a legacy to future generations. Thus did those men and women begin to write their story—and ours.

Our children, in turn, relive that gesture when they start drawing. It’s their act of ingress in the community, every time unique: one of the first marks of self-awareness and opportunity to leave a trace. Thus does the story of the entire species and the possibility of a new beginning begin anew in every child: “I make all things new”—this enlightening verse of the final book of the Bible—shall be the main theme of the inaugural World Children’s Day.

The hand-imprints in this logo hark back to those very gestures characteristic of the childhood of the human race. The different colours represent the multiplicity of cultures that make up a oneness, embracing and valorising the diversities. Ex pluribus unum.

The Church is the custodian of the hope and the future of the new generations. Thus has the Holy Father ordained that the place of Christianity’s most ancient basilica be the permanent seat of wcd. The logo could not, therefore, overlook the identifying reference: minimalist graphic lines portray the stylised shape of St. Peter’s Dome, topped by the cross and the lantern. The dome is stretching itself out to embrace, welcome and protect the little ones, the smallest of the small. The lantern is a metaphor for Christians, ‘bringers of light’. And the Cross, perennial symbol of the Passion and Resurrection, stands as once stood the Son of God made man for our sake.

Logo ideated and created, in January 2024, by Marco Capasso + Creative Studios.
