The letter from the mayor of Rome Gualtieri

The letter from the mayor of Rome Gualtieri

Dear girls and boys, welcome to Rome!

We are really happy that Pope Francis has thought of this beautiful day, in which each of you will be able to bring Rome a sprout of hope from the country you come from, along with your smile, your desires and your thoughts about the future. It will be the first major event leading up to next year's Jubilee, which Rome is preparing to welcome.

As you probably already know, the symbol of our city is the she-wolf who adopted and nurtured two abandoned twins, Romulus and Remus. According to the legend, the history of Rome began with this sincere gesture of love. Taking care of childhood is everyone's duty and a vocation of our city, which we adults too often forget about.

Instead, we need you, girls and boys, your clear gaze on the world and, above all, your rightful request for brotherhood and care for creation. Rome is therefore ready to welcome you. We are ready to feel overwhelmed by the wave of hope you bring. From here, from this great city of peace, all together we can send a powerful message for a new and happier world. Let's make your voice heard throughout the world!
